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1) Yeah, i knew that. That combined with the oil situation, and China needing more oil and their using more of their ariable land for construction is why the price of food has went up like 50 cents on EVERYTHING and people in poor countries are having an even harder time scraping by.

That and Ethanol. Which we really need to get off of and focus on a REAL solution.

The countries that are going to be hurt by this the most won't be the western countries, it will be the deloping countries... and the poor countries. If and when this hits without a solution countries will focus within and the aid that so many countries depend on will dry up.

It will be a painful transition for the developed nations, but one that they will survive. Ironically, it may just be what the US car industry needs to get itself back on it's feet since importing by boat will become too expensive and will add to the price of ever car.

People become more isolated as it becomes rapidly more expensive to travel. Airlines that aren't run by the government shut down and are only open for important buisness and expensive seating. Since we really don't have effective alternative fueling for them.

Mass migration in the US from Suburbs back to the cities.

Travel overseas becomes practically impossible except by expensive boats and Military Engagements... Tourism drys up in some places, rises in others that are convient to get to.

Worst case scenario I see is...

Wars break out in the Middle East and elsehwhere were their are still strong oil reserves. Perhaps America might actually begin a war for oil themselves. Or even more likely if things are bad enough... the Entire UN Security council under the guise of "settling an area that is in massive turmoil." (After they find a way to cut Russia out of the security counsil.

Iran probably tajes Iraq before hand, either through war or a deal for protection. Same with Kuwait. Then the UN comes in and takes them out. Terrorism hits Europe hard. (As no one can get to the US anymore, so there are really only the sleeper cells already here.)

US drills in the wildlife perserves.

Heck maybe even a World War 3 happens. US & EU vs Russia, China and the Middle East.

Would be an amazing thing to read about in a history book or watch in a simulation.

Will be a hell of a thing to live through if things go that poorly.