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I think Mass Effect Andromeda is the only big AAA EA game coming out in the first part of 2017 which would coincide with the launch of the NX as FIFA and Madden release in summer and fall. While it would be nice for the NX to get ME:A in it's launch or launch window I can't imagine that it had too much of an impact on the launch date for the NX.

On the contrary, a fall 2016 launch would have made more sense in the context of third party support because that is the season where most sports games, Call of Dutys and Assassin's Creeds are released. So a fall launch would secure those in the launch/launch window. Unless we're assuming that third parties will willingly port their holiday lineup to the NX when it's released in 2017, but given Nintendo's relation with 3rd parties and the poor sales of late releases on the Wii U, I don't really see this happening.