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Darwinianevolution said:
The games you mention in Q1 2017 aren't really that big for Nintendo fans, the audience that will buy the NX at launch. The rest of the gaming world is either waiting to see the NX's performance and games or it's just fine with their PS4/XBone. With that said, games like CoD, BF and the EA sports games are a must on the NX, so I hope Nintendo has patched their relationship with EA, or has managed to find some kind of replacement (PES anyone?).

That's why I said that they are important. Nintendo needs to expand there fanbase by bringing games from third-party devs to their platforms and releasing the console when the competition has smaller games coming out to interest owners of that console to the NX.

shikamaru317 said:

I'm pretty sure EA confirmed Titanfall 2 is releasing this Holiday, not Q1 2017.

I still need to know more about NX before I can decide if the delay was a mistake or not. 

They did? Interesting, I thought Titanfall 2 would release in March due to Titanfall's release date.

Damn, I'm incredibly hyped, had a lot of fun with Titanfall.