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What games are you currently playing?
-Persona 3 Portable(PSP)

What games have you completed recently?
-Fire Emblem: Binding Blade
-Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn(replay)
-Pokemon Omega Ruby Pokedex

What games are you planning to play soon?
-The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D(3DS)
-Shovel Knight(replay)(3DS)
-Animal Crossing: New Leaf(3DS)

What gaming related purchase have you made recently?
-Haven't bought anything gaming related since buying Pokken Tournament launch day

What gaming related purchase are you planning to make in the future?
-Final Fantasy XV (PS4)
-Pokemon Sun/Moon (3DS)
-Shin Megami Tensei IV(3DS)
-Dragon Quest VII(3DS)
-Persona 5(PS4)
-Possibly Uncharted 4 and Star Ocean V on PS4 but I'll probably buy them once the price drops a bit.

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz