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hoala said:
malistix1985 said:

Well they can aim for that with a handheld but not with a home console, they tried that with a home console its called the WiiU

they tried that with a handheld too, its called the 3DS. It seems one of those has a real chance of making impact. It should be significantly more powerfull with the same architecture and Nintendo should proof their console has a reason of coming 3 years after the competition.

No. The wii u was their test to use expensive hardware (first nintendo home console ever sold at an loss). Even if the chips weren high end, the gamepad and co made it expensive hardware nontheless. The Wii U was also their try to get third partys on board, failed as well.

The wii u was the most expensive nintendo home console ever sold at 350 / 400 $. And even graphically its not really THAT far behind ps4/xbox one. Check games like Mario kart 8, they could easily be ps4 games as well.


Nintendo talked about merging their home and handheld systems. So i really think the NX will be both, a playstation vita like handhed device and a playstation vita tv like device as home console. Probl more advanced then the vita, but the same idea.


The 3ds still was an success. Will probl sell more units lifetime then the xbox one. And the 3ds exclusives games were WAY easier and cheaper to make compared to the xbox one exclusives games. Still sold better. So in the end something like said will, especially for nintendo, be more profitable then a third (fourth if you count in pcs) high end system on the market.

Are you kidding me, the Wii U not far behind -.- it doesn't use a x86/64 architecture processor but a IBM made "upgraded" wii processor basicly, and it has 1GB of ram versus 8GB much much faster ram in the current consoles, not to mention the output of the GFX card isnt even half, don't joke yourself.

Not to mention the Xbox and PS4 both have games installed on their HDD, which is a HUGE deal for games.

Maybe it was expensive to make, I bought it expecting something good but I won't be fooled like that again. It sounds like you will buy anything Nintendo makes, which is completely respectable and you should if you enjoy the stuff they make but if they release something that on paper and visually doesn't hold up to my expectations not to mention it needs to ship with a NORMAL controller then I am just not going to buy it

Luckely if the rumours are true this could happen, but lets not discuss this anymore since your opinion and mine are clearly not going to match, ever.

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