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Chazore said:
hoala said:

If the wii would be as strong AND as expensive as the ps3/xbox 360 im pretty sure they wouldnt had sell 100mio.


The Wii was a success because it was cheap and people thought "150 buck? Fuck it, ill try it".

Thats also the reason why Oculus Rift/HTC vive most likely wont sell much units. They are damn expensive. For 150 bucks, 20x as many people would probl get a VR Headset to "test it".

I don't know why you keep bringing up two VR headsets vs a console from a single company that has mostly sold their consoles for cheap, that and the fact that the other VR headsaet isn't cheap as chips either.

because both are gimmicks as well. This just prooves that cheap gimmick sell better then expensive gimmicks.