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RolStoppable said:

You still don't get it. Many of the 2016 crowd were involved in long arguments regarding NX launch and Wii U software support before you made your thread. The long debates were the entire reason why you made your thread. Now you are saying that none of that counts anymore and of course that's something a lot of people won't agree with, especially because they were right.

"Got owned hard" goes to the people who were convinced that the Wii U would get games beyond 2016. Although with your attitude you would point at the delayed Zelda U as proof to the contrary. "See, the Wii U is getting a first party game in 2017. The 2017 crowd was right."

For you personally the year 2016 probably didn't go beyond a guess, but others were a lot more involved. If you were only guessing the year, you obviously had no arguments to bring forward, so acting like no arguments existed has no effect on you.

Rol you can argue it all you like and tbh I don't care as I thought 2016 but fact is we lost even if it is by default, we got owned plain and simple, I had a stance on why I thought 2016 but the thing is I never took the whole thing as serious as some of you are, if you want to carry on about the topic go argue it with the 2017 mob, if a football team wins with an own goal they still win. It's all in good fun so no need to turn it into something else.

The reason I made the thread was because all of you kept going on about it.

I'm only looking ahead to see Zelda, what the NX is like and the next thread for good fun. As I said anyone who still has a problem check the last part of the previous post.