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Hahahahahahahahahaha Shit, Armageddon has broken out over that thread I did. Here's a thing for some of the people still salty over it, it simply asked you for the year as to avoid all the faffing about and loopholes yet some are still going mental over it. It's like complaining at a bookies that the other team won a game because of an own goal so it doesn't count.

Fact is many of the Salty Syndicate posted in the thread in anticipation to return and wreak havoc on the 2017 camp so they didn't have a problem querying the fact that the thread only asked for the year as it was clearly stated yet the second they lost it became an issue. I know the 2017 camp would have been roasted to high heaven had they been wrong, if Nintendo had said NX is out September 2016 I very much think the 2016 camp would have taken that victory hands on despite it not being Q4.

Come on man lets just admit it those of us who thought 2016 got owned hard hence our crow avatars, to those who are being good sports I commend you, it was all in good fun even I thought it was going to be 2016 tbh, we're wrong but no worries same time for VGC Infinity Wars.

As for anyone still querying the whole situation and is unhappy about it I can only offer you this limited edition Amiibo.