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So sad the number of people that are trying to evade this. I know some of them are actively posting aswell and just refusing to play along.

I remember beeing asked if i was wrong wether i woud mysteriously disappear come E3. At the time i answered ofc not. I will just admit i was wrong if i am.

But to see peeps truthfully dodging this means not only that we can't trust their word, but that having such bet games in the future is pointless because peeps will just cheat out of their end of the bet like nothing happened. That is not honest and it reflects on the whole forum. Not to mention said people lose all their credibility. The stubburness over a forum post is uncanny. Very sad.

I don't know what the big deal is about changing your avatar for a bit. Quite honestly i feel like playing along and using one myself just cause it looks fun having people play along like this.