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I've begun reading Ballroom e Youkoso.  According to Batoto, it was "2nd place in the 2013 Manga Taisho Awards and 6th at the Taisho Awards 2015."

It's about a high school kid who gets bullied a lot and lacks confidence in himself.  Very par for the course in that regard, to be honest.  

Anyway, things happen and he ends up getting pulled into a ballroom dance studio and, for the first time in his life, he find something that he really wants to try.  Of course, it turns out that a very pretty girl who goes to the same school also frequents the studio, though she is on an entirely different level. 

It's quite good so far, though it also closely follows the "sports manga" formula.  Loser kid who seems to be bad at sport X but actually has hidden talent that only comes out during certain circumstances, and so on.  So far, it's certainly no Chihayafuru, but I'm probably judging it unfairly because of critical acclaim.  I mean, it's good, but I have this feeling that it would not have done so well had it been about baseball or cat ranching or something.

Has a lot of slap stick humor, surprisingly enough.  The studio owner is the kind of egotistical jerk who hits his students a lot but is secretly trying to help them reach their full potential--at least, some of the time.