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yvanjean said:

March Release: I don't see this as a bad thing for Nintendo. Get away from the big Holiday 2016 release where Microsoft and Sony will be flooding marketing channel with Holiday bundles, their big holidays releases & The big VR push by Sony, Oculus RIft and HTC Vive. 

One of Nintendos biggest group of custumors are children. Almost all their games are designed to be Rated E. Children CANT buy a console in march. So we have mostly adults or hardcore nintendo fans left. Hardcore nintendo fans will be the system no matter when, no question, but that wont be enough (= see wii u).

No E3 Presence: Do your home work... The new Legend of #Zelda will be the focus of #E3 2016. It will launch simultaneously on both Wii U and NX in 2017. This guarantees a big E3 presence by NX. Zelda NX being the biggest release game for that new console.

I meant NO NX presence at e3. Many "normal" people didnt even knew the wii u was a new system (thought the tablet was a addon for the wii like balance board). When Nintendo reveals e3 in any nintendo specific event or a direct ONLY nintendo fans care about, chances are very good many people wont even notice that thing exist. E3 get alot more attention then some weird own event.

Something "Completly new": When Nintendo claim their doing something completly new, that statement is meant only from a Nintendo point of view. The NX will be something completly new to Nintendo and if done right they will merge their handheld and consoles division to make unified games that can run on one platform.  NX power is completly new to Nintendo but will be similar to PS4 and Xbox one which will attract 3rd party port and support. 

Thats your speculation. Teasing "something completly new" and release a ps4 like system? I DOUBT that sooo much. Wii U was more powerfull then ps3/xbox 360 but still no GTA 5, Battlefield 4 and so on got released on wii u.

Nintendo recent decissions: Everyone learns from their mistakes. Look at Sony with the PS3 launch and Microsoft with DRM with Xbox one. While Nintendo have made some bad questionable decision it hasn't really stop them from giving great games on WiiU and 3DS. Nintendo will always be doing thing their way but in the end they still deliver some of the best games available on any consoles like Super smash bros, Zelda and Mario. 

They are still doing that. They didnt learned anything. Star Fox got released 1 week ago.

Release mid cycle: The NX being has powerful has current consoles and easier to port then WiiU this mean that 3rd party can easily port game to the NX. That mean games like Dark Soul 3, Rise of the Tomb raider, Final Fantasy 15, etc could all be coming to the NX to support the launch lineup. Nintendo already have improved their relation with Square Enix DQ 11 and Final Fantasy 7 remastered already in talk to be coming to the NX.

Same was said about wii u. I doubt it.

NX lineup: Sucessfull launch lineup is all about the games. NX will have a launch Zelda game that will be huge for them but let not forget that the lineup will include a Splatoon NX remastered, Super Smash Bros NX remastered, Mario Kart 8 NX remastered... all these game need is visual upgrade, add a few add-ons and give a value price $39.99 they will sell like crazy. While the rumors are raging about PS4.5 and Xbox one.5 developers are still going to have to supports game for current PS4 and Xbox one for the next 5 years. All of these game can be easily ported to the NX. Expect much improve 3rd party support on NX compared to the abismal support on the Wii and WIiU.

People that cared about Zelda, Splatoon, Smash Bros and Mario Kart already got a wii u. All those games are available on wii u. The wii u still sold poorly.