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RolStoppable said:

Nintendo's forecast for the fiscal year that ends in March 2017 is an operating income of 45 billion yen, a goal that falls clearly short of Nintendo-like profits. But just three months ago Kimishima said that Nintendo is going to achieve Nintendo-like profits again, starting in the fiscal year that ends in March 2017. The drastic reduction in the expected profits can only be explained with a very recent decision to delay NX. Four months of additional hardware and software sales are going to be missing because of the March 2017 launch of NX.

The other option is that three months ago Kimishima deliberately lied to investors by voluntarily mentioning two key contributors to Nintendo-like profits (one of them being NX), even though he was only asked to name one.

Nintendo has had 5 years of missed forecasts, NX releasing in March is a direct reflection of that.  They wanted to be conservative (companies do this all the time) to beat low expectations.  By releasing the NX in the final quarter of the fiscal year, there will be no expectations for sales as they will sell what ship.

We dont know what Nintendo like profits are.  Iwata did not specifically say what it was. 

Kimishima didn't lie, you just missed the second contributor to Nintendo like profits.  He was quoted, and we don't know if it was a mistranslation, because that happens all the time..."To achieve Nintendo-like profits, one important factor will be establishing a solid launch for our NX and smart device businesses".  Seems like two key factors to me.

Also as an addition, they are selling a their stake in the Mariners for 600+ million (65B Yen), that profit is not listed yet and that amount alone is greater than the operating income they are forcasting for the year. They announced it yesterday after all prior Kimishima statements, so it doesnt interfear with his two key factors (now 3).

As a final note the weather man told me that their be sunshine today but its raining.  Kimishima forecast is just that, a forecast.  He and Nintendo are not one in the same, he is just the CEO.  He is not under oath when talking to investors so the lying angle you are pushing really has nothing to stand on.