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I think there will be new games shown at E3, not as a nintendo fanboy, but remember last year EGM, Gamepro, and Nintendo Power were still calling Wii revolution because they didn't know. The Wii coverage showed up almost a month after the coverage for all the other platforms (PSP, 360, PS3) because Sony and Microsoft don't really do surprises (with the exception of the six-axis, which also showed up a month later in print).

"If you've been around as long as I have" (god I am old) you would remember that Nintendo always does this.

In response to the point of the argument: Uber-casual focus is already happening within Nintendo. EA is experimenting. When the Square and traditional Nintendo games start coming out though you will see where the true buying power is. Casual games are great for producers (think: movie comedies) because they are cheap to make. Core-gamer games are riskier but can really pay off, when 10 million of your console owners have to own a game or even 250,000 you make your money back.

Nintendo may drop core-gamer support, but third parties are already filling the vacuum.
Square with a FF spin-off that looks and sounds more fun than the last two main series games;
D3 Dragon Watcha-ma-kallit; EA - Madden;
Capcom - Zack and Wiki;
Activision - Tony Hawk;
Aksys - Guilty Gear (how much hard core can you get?);
Gamecock - Mushroom Men;
Konami - Dewy, DDR;
Lucas - Lego SW;
Namco - Space Station Tychoon, Soul Calibur Legends, Museum Remix;
Natsume - Harvest Moon;
Red Octane - GHIII;
Sega - Alien Syndrome, Nights, Ghost Squad, Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, Iron Man, Alien;
Sierra - Crash of the Titans;
THQ - oh THQ sucks;
Ubisoft - Driver, BiA, Rayman (I know it's minigames but this rocked), Beowolf, presuming another PoP;
WB - Loony Toons, Lego Batman;
Geometry Wars; N+...

I mean Sega has more announced "hardcore" titles than Nintendo.

(I think if you own any one system, and only that system, you won't be disappointed with any of the line-ups in the next couple of years.)

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.