JEMC said:
I know that the latest drivers are from earlier this month, but why would you be pissed off? With drivers it's always preferable to have many updates to support the games that launch. In any case, this update seems to focus on solving Xfire problems, so it's not very important for single card owners. |
I'm not pissed off they update often, I'm happy they fix bugs quickly, but AMD driver updates are boring, they require, or at least it's strongly advised, to uninstall the old ones before, so, as I just updated, I'd be pissed off to have to repeat the process again less then a month after. But luckily when drivers are mature, it's likely that each user be affected just by a limited number of the total remaining bugs, or even none, so not every update is necessary for each user. Anyhow, it's not even AMD fault, it's MS that's jurassic, Windows 7 still requires restarts not only for most updates, but also to complete the uninstall of the previous drivers, if a simple update isn't possible or advisable, when on Linux and other unix and unix-like OS', since many years before Win 7, only few low-level updates require a restart, and when it's needed, it's just one even if a complete uninstall of the old SW is needed, and in theory graphics drivers updates just require a restart of the graphics environment, not of the PC, and they can be scheduled with the update manager together with all the other updates, just one restart, sometimes no restart at all, and you update everything.