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An easter egg of Monster Rancher in Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess (2015) one of the various Traps in the game


So after Tecmo revived various franchises over the last years like Kagero Deception, Fatal Frame and now even the Dead or Alive Xtreme spin off series. People think about whats coming next?


- Most people think that Tecmos most popular IP is Dead or Alive but this is not the truth. The average person is a lot more familiar with Monster Rancher, which was aired in TV as an anime during the 90s and early 00s. To this day this TV show is very popular and memorable, espacially in europe. Just like Digimon it was a competitor to pokemon and found its own audience. The Monster Rancher video games didnt saw a lot of sucess but they werent well marketed and they were enever released in europe, almost all of them werent.

- Tecmo is known for to suprise people by for reviving some of its older franchises which is why i love them, thats what they did with Kagero Deception, Fatal Frame and now Dead or Alive Xtreme.

- Bandai Namcos Digimon Cyber Sleuth on PS4 and Vita was quite sucessfull and proves there is still room for an alternative to Pokemon, thats why Bandai Namco is working on a sequel.

- Tecmo always owned Gust which is an RPG devoloper known for the Attelier series. They finished off the recentley released Nights of Azure and the latest Atelier game is also completed and to be released in the west for PS4. They should have a lot of freedom now to work on such a project.
