fatslob-:O said:
The Install base of the PS4K doesn't have to reach 10 million ... There doesn't have to be different versions of the game. Just different code ... Sooner or later devs will be familiar with all of the quirks of the original PS4's GPU and they'll probably have no where to go but to optimize for the PS4K ... As far as regular PS4 suffering enough to the point where it reaches parity with the X1 because of specific optimizations towards the PS4K, I highly doubt that will happen since they both practically have the exact same GPU microarchitecture ... |
My comment wasn't from a technical point of view but from a business one. With that in mind, it makes little business sense to focus or put much effort, time and money into PS4K as most of the money will be made by the other consoles.
And then, when/if PS4K catches popularity and starts to take over the regular PS4, I can see developers shifting they focus to the newer console and make simple X1 to PS4 ports without trying to push the regular PS4 to what it can actually do.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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