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pokoko said:
The_BlackHeart__ said:

How is that the company with the best intellectual properties has the worst developers?

How is it possible that a game like The Last of Us exists on PS3, while a console with better expects like the Wii U still delivers PS2 graphics?

Nintendo needs to hire new developers if they want the NX to success.

I wouldn't judge the potential of the developers on Star Fox.  This seems to be a game that was sent out just to fill a spot and to keep a massive dead zone from forming in the release schedule.  Star Fox was likely built with a limited budget.

If anything, I'd lay most of the responsibility on management.  It seems like there was no ambition behind this and that's a real shame.  Yeah, some people are going to try to justify this by saying it's some kind of throw-back game, that it's supposed to be limited, but Star Fox really deserved a lot more.  Why not bring it forward and do something big and interesting with it?  

Mass Effect Star Fox still sounds like the best idea that will never exist that I've come up with.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"