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curl-6 said:
pokoko said:

Yeah, some people are going to try to justify this by saying it's some kind of throw-back game, that it's supposed to be limited, but Star Fox really deserved a lot more.  Why not bring it forward and do something big and interesting with it?  

I see nothing intrinsically wrong with a game being a throwback. God knows we have enough dead serious cutting cinematic blockbusters to go around. It's a nice change of pace to play something old school and whacky in my opinion. If you ask me, it's throwing back to a time when games were, on average, better than they are today. Certainly less cynical and unimaginative.

Could Starfox Zero have been better? Absolutely. But it should remain true to what it is supposed to be; a vehicular arcade shooter inspired by the likes of Thunderbirds and the original Star Wars trilogy. It doesn't need to try to be Mass Effect or No Man's Sky, those games already exist for those who want them.

"Yeah, some people are going to try to justify this by saying it's some kind of throw-back game"

That's what I said.  Not that throwback games are inherently bad but that people use the term to defend something that is lacking in effort and ambition.  Also, in no way does making Star Fox into a stronger IP mean that it has to be "serious cutting cinematic".  Those two things are entirely separate.  Just look at Insomniac's success with the new Ratchet & Clank.  They brought the IP forward and lost nothing of the charm.