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SvennoJ said: snip


  1. Costs any more than it already does getting a game to work on tens of different specs on the PC? I dare say that even if the PS4 had four different specs optimizing for them is still far less of a headache than for a PC. But that aside, where are you getting this whole different hardware spec thing? Do you know what an API is? You really think that the work is going to be that much harder for devs such that it breaks the overall end user expericne cause they just won't be able to do it? It's sonys job to make sure that they tools available to the devs to work with are as similar as possible. the benefits of working withing a closed platform are still there. 
  2. This is exactly what I'm saying you need to stop. You are fighting a battle that doesn't even exist. There are two SKUs, there aren't so machines. And sure as hell no profit is being split anywhere. Profits are still profits. And has it crossed your mind that selling at $399 Sony may be making more on the Neo than selling the base PS4 at $299? Ps4.... Neo... when you pay $60 for a game, it's the same thing to Sony. You need to stop making it sound like we are talking about two different platforms. 
  3. Ok. let's pretend that this is the first time new more powerful hardware has been made while running on the same OS or its derivative from much older hardware. Oh wait.... that's been happening since Windows was invented. 
  4. No. let's see..... For a 30fps game. Every frame needs to be spit out every 33ms. That means that the CPU and GPU must all do its thing in 33ms. If the CPU takes up 18ms of that time, then the GPU has only 15ms to do its thing for the same to be ready. With a much more powerful GPU, you can allow the CPU take up as much as 23ms knowing fully well that the GPU can do its required work in the 10ms thas left. 
Look, this is just me loosly answering you. but that's cause I feel you are so outta touch on some of these concepts it makes it really hard for me to explain anything to you. Maybe someone else with more patience than I have will tho.