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sales2099 said:
greencactaur said:

I see many people complaining about the control scheme, and also the game being very short, even with the challenge missions involved :O.

Odd, since the 64 game was "short" but better through replayability of its braches. I guess what held up in the 90's doesn't do much in 2016 haha

Unfortunately, that seems to be the case.

It's frustrating for me, since I think a great game is a great game is a great game, and technological advances don't do much, if anything, to diminish the classics.

As for SF0, the major complaints are motion controls, lackluster graphics, and a general paucity of content. As for the first critcism, it really depends on the user. I love the motion controls; others hate them. As for graphics, they do look rather ancient. As for content, I think the criticism is unfounded. If you found plenty of content in Star Fox Zero, you'll find the same for SF0.