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Zappykins said:
sc94597 said:

Your point was that the military was supposedly some good and it was socialist. I argued that it was bad, and it was precisely because of its socialist nature. Without public funding there would be no military, so I don't know what you mean by "doesn't matter what form the government is" because every standing army is funded through socialist means - taxation. Voluntary militias don't have the same problems with ignoring morality as standing armies do. 

Social Security - 

Below is when the boomers just started retiring in 2010. 

So by your own admission the current retirees are still getting more than they put in to Social Security - non adjusted for inflation.  Still if they keep living, they use up much more.

And even your volunteer firefighters get pain - by your data. Don't they deserve to making a living?  It’s hard to pay rent with ‘thank yous.’




And the military, by it's nature, I didn't argue if it was good or bad, but that people in it, retired from it, and married to members were all being supported financially by socialism.

Do you have a point or you just want to hate the future?


I believe my original statement was as quoted below*, but the link I provided said that the average couple gets less (after accomodating for purchasing power differences.) So I strengthened my statement to people today aren't getting back what they paid in. 

Volunteer firefighters are mostly young adults in high school or have other jobs. Like I said, my local fire-fighters are "paid" with gift cards. Some places give them measly stipends of like $1000 per year, but they are not paid wages. Again, you don't understand what a volunteer firefighter is. Does somebody who volunteers at a homeless shelter deserve to make a living? What about the people volunteering to Bernie Sanders' campain and whom are not paid?  Of course they do. They do it in their real job. Just like the volunteer firefighters. Even then, all of the funds are accured through voluntary donations and not taxation. So I don't see your point. 

By the way, socialism is the past. It died with the soviet union. As for welfarism, and social democracy, it is slowly corroding today. So I'd rather not live in the past, nor deal with hating it. The future is decentralization, free-markets, and less statism (the opposite of the 20th century.) 

As for my point, it is that you created a silly strawman that people who oppose socialism support the military. I was trying to show you that this is quite obviously not true for everyone. Some of the most anti-socialists (libertarians) also are the most anti-military. 

*"Most people won't see what they put in. "