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Cobretti2 said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

I don't know if that's necessarily it. I think some fans are lamenting the fact that there isn't an audience out there for a 90s rail shooter. If Panzer Dragoon came out today it would probably be ripped to shreds. Yet I think it's one of the best games I've ever played.

There's great diversity in the industry, particularly among independent game developers. But not all genres are created equal.

Yer but the thing is if I want to play a 90s rail shooter I CAN, they exist.  Why would I pay $60 for one when I can pull one out of a storage box in my cupboard?

I see what you're saying, but if we followed through on that logic we'd have to "retire" certain genres. And I would hate for that to happen.

I guess what bothers me is that some critics and consumers think Star Fox Zero is overpriced because of the way it looks and how long it takes to see the final credits roll. For me, that's poor criteria. In a way video games are simply a set of tools and encounters, and we as players get from them what we put in. That's why you see folks talking about how they sunk a hundred hours on Star Fox 64, a game that can be "beaten" in an afternoon.

And about graphics: I know that we've always been fascinated by great-looking games. I remember marveling at Super Mario 64 when I first got my N64, and I recall being floored by the HD graphics on X360. But resolution, textures, lighting, and particle effects are just one part of a grander experience. I wish fewer people would, to use a tired expression, judge a book by its cover. And I wish people wouldn't hammer the top dogs for turning in a poor graphics performance but forgive the little indie guys. 

But I guess that brings us back to price. We're willing to drop $15 on a crummy-looking "indie" game but not $60 on a crummy looking "AAA" game. Why? Fun is fun.