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Volterra_90 said:

Weird, I though it was widely accepted that Wii Nunchuk + Wiimote is the best for shoot'em ups like Sin and Punishment XD. I guess it's a matter of tastes. I really can't think of any better control scheme in those shoot'em ups rather than the Wii controls, and I'd really like that they have implemented that in SF: Zero. But I guess they're trying to differenciate the WiiU from the Wii. It's a shame... I think they should give options for everyone. Standard controls, Wii controls, WiiU Gamepad controls... They could update the game with this, the same they did with Pikmin 3 when they added the new touch controls.

Star Fox has all-range mode and on foot sections (that's what the walker is, guys. It's a third person shooter.) It's not just a rail shooter, and Wii remote is not good at all for something like that. Using the second analog stick like it's supposed to be used would accomidate all of these modes without cutting the visuals in half, straining the framerate. The Walker would control better and the all ranch mode would control far more naturally. Even if the rail mode was a casualty, at worse it would control at well as SF64, and at best, it would offer more percision aiming. That simple fix could have allowed for a control center on the game pad with various functions to innovate Star Fox in a much different way. They could have consolidated the controls so much.

But again, this game didn't even start as a Star Fox game. It's literally like Guard and Giant Robot. Miyamoto was making tech demos to justify the gamepad, and decided to slap Star Fox onto it. He did the same with Guard. Come to think of it, the same was the case with the original and SF64 (FX chip and rumble). They were all made to test some hardware gimmick. It's like they don't even give a shit about these franchises.

I'm afraid of what will make Miyamoto finally make an F-Zero game.