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RolStoppable said:

Your suggestion is just a different kind of bad. If flying and aiming are supposed to be independent of each other, then nothing beats the Wiimote+Nunchuk setup. Of course, the Wii U with its rejection of the Wii standard wouldn't make that a sensible decision, but... well, the Wii U is a piece of trash.

Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies features your suggested setup as well as what I mentioned in the above paragraph. Nobody in their right mind picked the Classic Controller setup because it was clearly inferior: Slower and less accurate.

Everything beats the Wii abomination. It's dead for good reason.

Though I'd rather use trash Wii controls than the gamepad gyro.

But I'd rather use superior dual analog controls than any of that garbage and just have something else on the bottom screen like a control panel or something actually neat.