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binary solo said:

What's that even supposed to mean in this context? A reviewer who dislikes a game so much that they decide not to review it? Sure, I think reviewers who hate what they're playing/watching are needed in order to ensure all views are represented among critics, but I can toally get why from time to time a reviewer will just say, "Fuck it, I've reviewed enough shit over the last few months, I'm not going to do another one for a while. I'm going to play something I know I'll like." 

That means that the guy is paid for doing his job. So do your job. It's not about hard and tiresome labour, one playthrough (just one) could have took him like 2 hours to complete. Is that too much to ask? So, this reviewer doesn't like the game? Fine. Complete the game, make your review, give your score and move on to your next job. But stopping in the middle of the game, saying "fuck this shit", and writing an article about it? I could get that in a 15/20 hours game, maybe. Not in a 2 hours game (which is not completion, just a playthrough).  It's a bit childish. Well, I guess we have different opinions about profesionalism. I'd be fired for doing that in my job. Worse thing is that he gets his article published. Which makes me think some clicks felt good for Polygon. I won't say more about it, because I don't want to derail the thread, but... I found this really shameful.