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I'll try it on Friday, but it seems that its main criticisms are:

- The gameplay is outdated. I understand the criticism, it's similar to a 90s rail shooter game. Is it bad? It depends on who's playing it. I want a 90s rail shooter game. It's people's choice to decide if they want that or not. Not everything has to feel modern to be "good". I don't share that mindset.

- Control scheme's got a mixed reaction. Pretty much what I expected. I need to try them first to make a final opinion.

- Length. Okey, valid criticism. Not everyone will put the same amount of time in the game. I love to beat records, collect medals, find secret paths, bosses, etc. so I know I'll play it enough. But this doesn't apply to everyone.

In the end I think that reviews are telling me what I was expecting. There's nothing here which will make me change my decision to buy it. Though it's also fair to say that people who was not sure about buying it, won't be convinced. 

EDIT: Oh, and that Polygon not-review?? The guy is supposed to be a professional reviewer, what the hell is that "it's so bad that I won't play it"? First world problems I guess. What a jerk.