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There is a new AMD roadmap

AMD’s official GPU Roadmap for 2016-2018

According to the new roadmap, that is slightly more informative than a graph shown at Capsaicin, Polaris architecture might replace both Radeon Fury and Radeon 300 series. This roadmap clearly suggest that all chips might be replaced with silicons based on Polaris architecture. Does this mean there are are no rebrands in Radeon 400 series? Well it might be hard to answer this question right now, but that would be a very good move from AMD.

New roadmap also sheds some light on what to expect from Radeon 400 series GPU positioning. I think it is highly unlikely Fury series will disappear, instead both Fury and Polaris 10 cards should coexist on the market for some time. AMD otherwise wouldn’t release Radeon Pro Duo, if they were not planning to continue Fiji production.

Also you might have noticed that Fury Series block is much smaller than Polaris 10 block. It could further suggest that Polaris 10 will be used on more cards than just R9 490 series. Polaris 10 could therefore launch as R9 490 and R9 480 series, which I think makes a lot of sense now.

Meanwhile Polaris 11 would fill everything in mid-range and entry-level segments. If I’m right, then AMD made one of the best decisions in years. Rather than keep rebranding existing cards, they are focusing entirely on new architecture. This way if you ever hear about Radeon 400 series, you will immediately know it’s power efficient 14nm FinFET GCN 4.0 architecture.

Furthermore this roadmap also confirms that Polaris 10 and 11 will support HEVC de/encoding and HDMI 2.0, DisplayPort 1.3 specifications.


I think they are taking too many conclusions out of that roadmap, specially the part where they assume that Polaris 10 will be both 490 and 480 because the block is bigger than the Fury one. To me, it simply shows the new GPUs/cards that AMD will launch in those time frames, but what do I know .

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

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