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..No mention of Dead Rising, anywhere? Great, well-reviewed game.

Capcom still has the talent. Omniusha, not to be mean, but you don't own a PS3 or 360, do you? Capcom still makes a great bit of good games for those systems, and the general public is ultra-hyped for RE5.

You might not like the "play it safe" approach Capcom is taking on some of their IPs like RE5, but that doesn't diminish the fact that it, and many of their games are going to be great.

And WTF is the comment about RE5 turning back to the older RE's, and not like #4? Have you bothered with watching the movies that show that it looks like RE4 with actual horror, and the most detailed environments for a horror game, ever?

Don't get me wrong, I still want a multi-plat Breath of Fire 6 so I can get back into the series, but Capcom is still a great company, and is doing more with their series than Konami is right now.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.