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Ruler said:
SvennoJ said:

So a price hike? What about the vast majority that jumps in at the 299 and below price point?
3DS games were never patched for N3DS, why would ps4 developers care?

I would sooner think CD Projekt and From Software provide patches for the NEO and leave ps4 version be sluggish. TW3 required a ton of patches messing performance up and down, while from software doesn't know how to hold a steady frame rate throughout their games. Now they get an easy out, runs fine on the NEO ;)

maybe W3 should have run at 900p in the first place? 

the people who bought it at 299 can sell their console which they got for a cheaper price. Most decend graphicscards alone cost 400$, stop doing like 399 cost the world

It's no me that cares aout 399 price point. I was going to buy a 4K UHD playback capable version anyway.

It's the majority of users that join when the slim hits at a lower price point. And sure, they can buy a second hand base model, or go for another cheaper option not willing to buy the inferior version or a used console. Why is it so hard to understand how and why a console generation works the way it does. Going back to 399 will slow things down considerably and will cause the actual generation cycle to become a lot longer, while games won't really progress and stick to targeting the far more numerous base model. We're just past the point where games have lost their shackles for supporting last gen, with this new model they will never move beyond the base model.

Instead of new graphics engines and much more imortant other innovations in 2019, we'll now get stuck with base ps4 specs until much later. This articale already states that the NEO can't have extra feautures, better AI, more enemies, bigger levels, better procedural generation, all the things that really count. Just a minor graphical bump while the base model dictates what games can do.