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Hiku said:
Natsu said:

Ah I'll put english subtitles on, it looked interesting but I'm interested in some other games, especially Final Fantasy X/x-2 (is the remaster any good?) and my little brother would be intrested in the SAO game like the re hallow I think it's called, the 20 dollar one. Is that one any good or do you not know?

I have FFX/X-2-HD but I haven't played them yet. I did play the original games back in the day though, and I liked both games. FFX is worth playing for any rpg fan, while opinions on X-2 differ. It had a better battle system than X, but the story was weaker.
I haven't played the SAO games though, but I'm interested in playing one of them. I forgot which one exactly.

Yeah I've played X it's amazing but never X-2 and ah alright well if I get them before you I'll tell you how they are 

Low78wagon said:

Congrats! You should figure out that ps4 quick after getting used to the Xbone. Bloodborne and all of the ps3 remasters are a must. Tearaway is a really cool game and I liked the order quite a bit but I would definitely buy bargain bin. I haven't played a lot of the other exclusives like until dawn or R&C yet.
My psn Low87dawg my xbl is the same too.

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