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RolStoppable said:
Ali_16x said:

Lol are you serious? Apparently what you are saying is consumers have unlimited money. Because that's the only way you can be right.

There's another way to be right. If money is limited, the money goes to the best games. Twilight Princess HD and Pokken are both superior to The Division, so if someone could only buy one or two of the three games, what would they be? Exactly.

In other words, in order for sales of the bestselling titles to notably decrease, there would have to be equal or superior alternatives, otherwise it doesn't matter whether there are 2 or 200 games releasing per month.

Well to say Twlight Princess HD and Pokken is better than Division is just subjective. Millions of people bought that game because they like open world grindy rpg games and I'm sure there would be many Wii U owners who would have bought the Division over Pokken and TP. And of course they're can be many who wouldn't want the Divsion but the point is there would still be a unknown amount and no matter what that amount is, it would result in lower sales for TP and Pokken.

Again, what you are saying is just subjective. It doesn't matter if the exclusives are better than the multiplats, there would still be people buying Destiny, CoD, Fallout, GTA, if they were on Wii U. And again, consumers don't have unlimited money, they have to pick from a selection of games.

It just doesn't result in exclusives getting lower sales, it would also result in multiplats getting lower sales. It's really just common sense, I'm not sure why any of you are trying to argue it. Just like launch games, they have higher sales, why? Because there are only a few games consumers can buy. 

Can you guys actually say that if a person only had $60 to spend this month, and they had to buy 1 game, that they would only choose Pokken and TPHD instead of, let's say Dark Souls 3? No, that's just ridiculous.

EDIT: I mean holy shit, just recently people were saying that Ratchet was going to die because it was releasing next to Uncharted. Why would they say that? Because they could only pick 1 game to play, if Ratchet was released close to Uncharted, it would have a lot lower sales. It's common sense.

Ryng_Tolu said:
Ali_16x said:

No it also has a lot to do with the Wii U basically having no games most of the time. Consumers don't have inifnite money, they can only buy a certain amount of games. That's why you always see threads like which games are you going to buy this month etc, and a bunch of people saying they can only buy a few. If the Wii U had multiplats, the sales of their exclusives wouldn't be as high.

I think is funny how you say this when there are two games for Wii U in TOP TEN this month lol.

Seriusly stop here. There are a lot of bomba on Wii U, with this logic all games should sells million.


Honestly, I can never understand what you are trying to get it and this post is not different. Read what I had to say above or w/e.

zorg1000 said:
Ali_16x said:

Lol are you serious? Apparently what you are saying is consumers have unlimited money. Because that's the only way you can be right.

how in the world do you come to that conclusion?

Read what I said above.

"There is only one race, the pathetic begging race"