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hershel_layton said:
Cobretti2 said:
The problem is people are brainwashed for generations being told they not good enough compared to white people and that the world is against them.

I'll give you an example.

One of my black friends was all like fuck white people they won't even give nigga a job (even though the guy he competed against was alost black an the other guy got the job lol) kept saving the word nigga and then was like white people made us slaves blah blah.

I was like dude if you so offended by slavery why you keep saying nigga in the same sentence, oh i'm allowed to and you are not as it offends me. Then I went on to say clearly if the word offends you, then don't use it at all.
Then he was like but white people made us slaves they don't have the right to say it. Then I said well technically speaking you are from South Sudan, pretty sure no slaves come from there and it happened 200 years ago so you should move on and get over it. Then he got all heated up and says why should i get over it it happened. I was like it didn't happen directly to you or even your parents, yet my grandparents were impacted by WW2 and guess what I don't go around hating every German like they did. His answer to that was you should. My response to that was well think about it South Sudan is currently and has been on and off in civil war for over 20 years, shouldn't you be hating the people causing the shit currently in your country and not someone else's history. Yet his hate for white people was still greater.

In the end i basically ended it on well reason you should get over it as previously mentioned is because throughout history everyone took over everyone at some point in time. If we held grudges for the past generations then no one in the world would get along. Ten he wouldn't talk to me for week cause he hand no response lol

Reason VS feelings


Seriously, why should the whites from this generation apologize for slavery? They had nothing to do with it.

And while I do agree with your sentiment. Many whites will espouse this notion as it pertains to whites and slavery but won't give non-offending Muslims the same courtesy when some terrorist on the other side of the world commits an atrocity in the name of Allah.  


A mouse & keyboard are made for sending email and typing internet badassery. Not for playing video games!!!