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CosmicSex said:
Aquamarine said:


Can you qualify this bolded text. What is the next biggest-selling new Microsoft Studios published IP this generation?  Is there such a thing or is this statement some sort of term of art?  What does biggest-selling mean?  If it was the best-selling... wouldn't they say that?

I guess it probably is best-selling, but as for the rest, it literally means a brand new IP, developed by any developer but that has been specifically published by Microsoft itself, as opposed to just signing an exclusivity deal. So the only comparison that immediately springs to mind is Sunset Overdrive, which was developed by Insomniac, but published by Microsoft. If anyone can name off some others, feel free of course. =D Titanfall wouldn't apply, as I believe it was published by EA. Halo 5 wouldn't apply, as it's an established IP. The original Halo, again, wouldn't apply, as it wasn't released this generation. Not sure when it comes to games like Ryse whether Microsoft was the publisher, or if it was just an exclusivity deal.


EDIT; Just to specify, I think the use of 'biggest selling' might be because, technically speaking, Quantum Break is still in the middle of its biggest sales period, i.e. the first few weeks, meaning that it is currently tracking above titles like Sunset Overdrive. Whether it ultimately ends up being the best-selling within its selected category will depend on whether the trend holds, and Quantum Break has the legs to outsell Sunset Overdrive and any other relevant titles' total sales.

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.