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Roronaa_chan said:
Holy shiz wtf is up with QB's visuals? I'm not talking about performance, just the way it looks is so off, mainly during bright scenes. In the dark i guess it looks okay but bright scenes make it look awful

That can be because of some known bugs or the filter they put to make it more "cinematic". In the FAQ that Remedy published a couple days ago, they mention them and that they are working on it.


Light Flare / Blinking Lights
This is a known issue. A permanent fix is being introduced in the next Title Update in the near future. For now, the problem can be resolved by exiting and re-launching the game.

Film Grain
This is an artistic choice from Remedy Entertainment. We wanted a cinematic look for our game and “film grain” is part of that look. Depending on the brand of TV you use or if your Xbox One is connected to a monitor, the film grain can look very different. Always use “Game Mode” on your television if such a feature exists. Make sure you adjust your sharpness setting down on your monitor or TV as well as the brightness setting in Quantum Break.”

Image Quality
We are working on giving users more control to turn on and off features like film grain. We love the artistic choice for our game, but we also want to give PC gamers more choice and this will come in a future update.


Hopefully, that will be resolved soon.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.