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Shadow1980 said:
Lawlight said:

Aqua is saying that the PS4 is up YoY by 338 units.

Hm. I guess the estimates we got last year were off a tad. In the OP to last year's March thread the PS4 was listed as having sold 336k units.

That's why I made that comparison post....I've noticed that the estimates made in the OP on this site are often slightly off due to accumulated rounding error.


Also, Creamsugar said the following:

"Xbox 360 / Wii = 1007.875"

Now just substitute the precise figure for Xbox 360 sales this month:
24,189 / 24 = 1007.875

In other words, Wii sold just 24 units this month. It makes sense. PS3 is nearly finished with only 2,100 units sold, and Wii has been officially discontinued.

But in a way it's sad to see the Wii officially flatlining. I remember opening it Christmas Day back in's been a wild ride.