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menx64 said:
Lawlight said:

What should Nintendo do? Also, what has GG done to her?

 If you follow her on twitter just read the comments she was getting. I remember one screenshot, of one guy complaining to Nintendo, where she appeared next to a kid, complaining how was possible they would have a pedofile advocate close to children. Furthemore, they were posting addresses and phone number from her friends and family. People were harrasing her since she is very vocal on the things she believes. 

 She was fired for the nature of her second job, and seems she didnt complained at all, it looks like it was 100 justified. I do  not blame Nintendo on that one.

 But I believe since Nintendo is always being a very diverse and welcoming place for women, they should talk to the police or authorities to talk to her female and or any possible targets of harrastment, and see what possibilities they have to prevent this things from happening again.  

 Again, I said unfortuately we do not know whether or not they did something. I hope they did, but if not, I hope this is a wake up call for all the videogame industry.

So, Nintendo should protect her just because she's a woman? Would you have said the same thing if she was a man.

As for posting addresses and phone numbers, that seems like the usual tactics of SJWs. They are known to harass people and their employers to get people fired. If you believe that it's ok to say the word fat, they will harass you, for example.