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This is for you, Welfare and Shadow1980. It will help with your charts.

GAF mods don't know what they're missing by refusing to unban me or my friend. Oh well~ ^_^


Expanded, granular data rounded to the nearest 100 units (data in parentheses is regular public data):


PS4 Last Year:

(March 2014: 371K)

March 2015: 329,800

March 2016: 330,100

+300 units from last year (338 to be exact)


PS4 Last Month:

February 2016: 404,900

March 2016: 330,100

-74,800 units from last month (unadjusted)



XBO Last Year:

(March 2014: 311K)

March 2015: 228,900

March 2016: 241,500

+12,600 units from last year


XBO Last Month:

February 2016: 248,200

March 2016: 241,500

-6,700 units from last month (unadjusted)




WIU Last Year:

(March 2013: 68K)

(March 2014: 70K)

March 2015: 82,500

March 2016: 66,200

-16,300 units from last year


WIU Last Month:

February 2016: 69,400

March 2016: 66,200

-3,200 units from last month (unadjusted)




360 Last Year:

(March 2014: 110K)

March 2015: 49,100

March 2016: 24,200

-24,900 units from last year


360 Last Month:

February 2016: 33,500

March 2016: 24,200

-9,300 units from last month (unadjusted)



PS3 Last Year:

(March 2014: 67K)

March 2015: 53,600

March 2016: 2,100

-51,500 units from last year


PS3 Last Month:

February 2016: 3,700

March 2016: 2,100

-1,600 units from last month (unadjusted)


I do have permission to post this. My NPD friend is long gone, unfortunately. Scared away by the misguided NeoGAF moderation team who unfairly banned him (and still won't unban me). :(

I don't know if I can post anything else. I'll check and see what else is OK.