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So I will try to make this as short as I can. A few weeks ago I went in to see my doctor and he spoke to me in a much different tone than usual .. I could sense something was wrong, as he looked very sad. I started getting worried and asked him what was up, and he proceeded to tell me that my blood test results are here and that I have cancer. I was astonished! I am 23 years old I'm super healthy and I regularly see my doctor. I started panicking.. He grabbed my hands and said all we can do now is fight hard and beat it. I was about to pass out that's how shocked I was. …And then he abruptly starts laughing and says “April fools you asshole! and payback for last year!!” (Last year I had pulled a prank on him and told him that somebody had smashed his BMW outside his office). I jumped out of my chair and started shouting "oh no you didn’t!"  But I was in so much relief you have no idea! I wasn't even mad at him I was just happy that it was a prank and that I didn’t actually have cancer.  To reassure me he showed me the real blood results, which showed that I was in good health.  

Do you guys think I should get back at him for this.. Or maybe I should stop because we are even now. 

PS, Yes this is a real story unfortunately, Im pretty close to my doctor ive known him for years now but I never imagined he would do such a thing, but he got me good that’s all I can say..

I trust no one, not even myself.