ghettoglamour said: Bonus: Let's look back at 2008, the first year with trophies on PSN! I know there was a 2008 league, but many users weren't members back then.
Most Popular Games 2008 (Actually these are all games played in 2008 by our members) As always, if some stats looks weird, don't hesitate and tell me. |
Friggin hell, 407 days to Plat Farcry 2, and 163 days to Plat Sonic Unleashed.
Didn't realise how much of a masochist I was back then!
I actually really enjoyed my time Sonic Unleashed, sure it wasn't perfect, but still had fun. I also really enjoyed the story mode in Farcry 2, even enjoyed my time with the multiplayer, at least the 30 hours of it that I just played for fun, the rest was spent grinding with randoms and people I arranged to boost with, it was the grindiest Plat I think I've done.