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Some more news, including another debatable move from Microsoft:

Windows 10 BSOD Errors to Come with Troubleshooting QR-Codes

With its latest Preview Build (build 14316), Microsoft patched Windows 10 to make BSOD (blue-screen of death) errors more useful for system analysts and power-users. The blue-screen now puts up a QR-code to the knowledge-base page related to the error. Microsoft also set up an easy to remember URL at "" for quick-reference to info and possible fixes to various kinds of errors.

The Register makes a valid case for how QR-codes in BSOD screens can be misused by malware developers. Malware or ransomware developers can now make their wares fake a BSOD screen with a QR-code that leads to their web-page to steal your information, or point you to download even more malware.


AMD’s Flagship Radeon Pro Duo Graphics Card Unboxed – $1500 US Dual Fiji Built To Deliver 16 TFLOPs

The flagship AMD Radeon Pro Duo graphics card has been unboxed by various sources. The behemoth featuring two full fat Fiji XT cores toppled with HBM DRAM is a 16 TFLOPs compute cruncher that is designed for both enthusiast gamers and professional users. The AMD Radeon Pro Duo is confirmed to be launching on 26th of April but looks like many users have already gotten a hand on the dual chip card.

>>What you see in the hand, is a spare Fiji chip that can be used as a key chain


AMD's Polaris 10 leaked screenshots show a 1050MHz core clock

Some strange new screenshots of rather benign parts of the operating system might just show the verifiable, bona fide existence of AMD's Polaris 10 GPU. Someone decided to show off the device ID of an installed GPU and corresponding AMD Graphics Manager shots with that list the operating frequency of the elusive GPU.

VRWorld received a small tip from someone in the industry (supposedly) with some evidence of working engineering samples of the upcoming Polaris 10 GPU. We've recently learned the device ID's that are supposed to be associated to the new Radeon R9 4xxx series of cards, and this matches up perfectly. This happens to be one of them, if it's not doctored. Interestingly, the clock speed of the card is at only 1050MHz.

>>Just remember that this is a rumor and an engineering sample, take it with all the salt available.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.