JEMC said:
QUAKECore89 said:
Render technique and resolution on Windows 10 The Windows 10 version of Quantum Break uses the same reconstruction method as on Xbox One. If your resolution is set to 1080p, the game temporally reconstructs the image (except UI) from four 720p buffers rendered with 4xMSAA, just like on Xbox One. Engine assigns input geometry samples from 4xMSAA rendering into shaded clusters in order to maximize covered geometry while keeping the performance on acceptable level by reducing expensive shaded samples. When you change the resolution, the buffers used to construct the image are always 2/3rds of the set resolution, i.e. in 2560x1440 they would be 1706x960.
That one weirdest engine i ever heard...
I also made a grin at that point. I don't know if it's true, and they really made a weird engine, or if it's false because they don't want to make the XboxOne version look bad.
Oh, and the game doesn't supports SLI/Xfire because the engine hasn't ben build with them in mind... whomever made the engine needs to get their heads checked.
The engine is made for console... What can i say. :/