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Iveyboi said:
After a month or so with the new format, overall are the admins happier with the format and have you realized lots of time savings? I personally LOVE the new tables.

Personally, I like the new system much better. I'm still making a few tweaks and some (rare) bugs might still appear, but the app is a lot more sophisticated and offers much deeper data than the old one. Also, it requires little to no manual work. You only need to push a button to force updates on PSNTL and sync trophy data, wait for it to end (it takes a good half hour, but you can put it to the side and do other things during the process) and then once the data is written onto the database, you need to refresh the excel file with the data.

After that you copy the charts as bitmap and post them here. This is the only manual work required besides pushing two buttons to refresh data and can be done in 5 minutes maybe.

As far as I know Arc would need more than a hour of active work to get the updates out, so this is a massive improvement!

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey