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curl-6 said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Is the same extremely lame argument as always, when a WiiU game flops (and many did) they point how badly games sell on the system, but when a wiiu game suceed is probably a lame game but there is nothing else to play so they buy it. Its annoying as hell.

I find that whole "x Wii U game only sold cos owners had no other options" argument rather reductive and absurd. I would bet money that most Wii U owners have other gaming platforms, be it a 3DS, a PS4/Xbone, a PC, or any combination therein.

Of course they have, specially 3ds and PC, Iwata himself said most people with a wiiu had another system.

But even if not, is really stupid to think that people buys games they dont want because they have nothing more to play, if a game dont raise any kind of interest it flops, no matter where or when, and when it suceed is because a lot of people want it, there is no other way to look at it.

Also is fun how some choose to forget that Nintendo has just released 3 games in a month and a half on the system. But hey, nothing else to play.