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The only thing worse than being stuck in a spot because you can't beat it....
is feeling like you're just playing it to get it over with because it's too easy.

Always hard first.

Also, people dont realize it, but hard mode is what makes you efficient and smart.
For example, when I first played killzone 2, I did what I could to beat the level, and parts were hard but I made it through them by refining my skills and understanding the map.
When I played it on the hardest difficulty, I realized that some parts were actually impossible to beat the way I had approached them, so I had to think of something else, to look outside the box. The answer, was run and gun and melee.

I didn't think there would be any other way. It took hard mode to make me understand that there was a better way.

"sometimes, less difficulty makes it easier to accomplish the wrong way to do things."