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dawve24 said:
Mirson do you start with a thousand mines every time I moved I hit a mine.

Also could anyone hear me I tried talking but gave up as I thought it was garbled.

chrono your mic was very garbled for me but had no problem hearing others.

@Dawve 1. The line about Mirson and mines is hilarious and so very true. :) 2. No, you were very garbled, such as the way you were hearing Chrono. Maybe it is a bandwitdth issue on my end because when it was just me and you, I could hear the TV news in the backgroud better then I could hear your voice. Maybe Skip is right about the volume. Do you use a USB, bluetooth or PS eye Mic? Occasionally I could hear you sya something, but it was still a little too garbled to make it out. I think you also had a family member in the backgroud. EIther way, it is the fact that you are garbled and NOT your scottish accent. ;) @ many 3. Thanks for the input on the maps. I'll try to find a place online where I can preview what each sub map looks like to see what fits each game mode, because using the same map layout gets repetative after a while. I might try to come up with a rotation of 12 game modes so that in a given day we don't revisit them.