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HoloDust said:


Bottom line actually is how gaming press treated this "case", not being objective, siding with her as a martyr and blaming Nintendo for firing her, and now that there's more info, trying (along with some forums and their SJWs) to sweep it under the rug.and to keep the classic bogeyman narrative of "GG harrassed her".

I agree.  It was slanderous the way the Gamergate community was tarnished over the bullying of this person.  Even reputable gaming sites that I had a lot of respect for factually reported that the gamergate community was at fault here and I believed them.  Looking back, I have seen very little evidence that the gamergate community was at fault for the harrassment.  In fact, I have gone back into history and read entire threads on reddit where gamers were debating whether or not to troll this lady over Fire Emblem and the general consensus was that they should not because (morality aside) she wasn't tied to localization process, anyways.  It sounds like some third party trolls who had actually been kicked out of the mainstream gamergate boards latched on to it and they were the ones who started digging into her history.

The people who bullied her are at fault here (...of being unkind, and not any sort of left-wing thought crime), but they should stand by their actions as individuals.  There were a lot of Gamergaters who tried to stop this and yet they are now being thrown under the bus along with the guilty.