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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Hynad said:
The Superman in Batman V Superman is still pretty much a rookie. He is still figuring out what his place on earth should be as a super being.

The hope part will come.

The character of clark kent and superman was never truly humanized after two movies. His relationship with us on a philosophical and characrer building level really comes down to the fact that its his duty to protect humans since he has no other home. The actual superman in the comics can relate to other humans on an emotional and social level even though he has a boyscout attitude. The clark kent in this movie fails to understand why people keep misunderstanding him. Hes everyones I hate to say it...bitch. 

There was one truth about this movie that is inescapable. Its easier to make a relatable story for anti-heroes because they are flawed and are on a moral grey area like most people.

I think it was - at the end Supes accepted that Earth is his world now, which is why he sacrificed himself.