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Zack Snyder actually addressed this in an interview (of which I'm trying to track down in my history but can't seem to remember if I watched it on a computer or phone).

Basically, the question was asked by the interviewer how Snyder plans to address the long held and popular opinion (particularly of non-Superman fans) that Superman is boring; he's a boyscout; he's overpowered - he's perfect.

Snyder responded more or less by saying he's aware of those opinions held by many and wanted to address them with his version of Superman. He wanted Superman to feel more grounded and more conflicted in what he does so we, the audience, can connect with him more.

Again, that's paraphrasing, but that was his answer as I recall from the interview. Doesn't matter who likes that answer or doesn't, it's true that the biggest reason why people don't like Superman is because he's deemed too powerful. Perhaps that's a lame reason, or not, it doesn't matter because I've seen, heard, and read from people who've said that.

So, you could say that Snyder is simply trying to make Superman more human emotionally and mentally - something a little different from the other Superman variations.

If I find that interview I'll post it, but I promise it's out there if anyone else knows what I'm talking about. I'm wanting to say it was an IGN interview (which IGN has done an outstanding job of degrading BvS).