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Darc Requiem said:
windbane said:
Yeah, but if you are like me and a sucker for FF, you have to go with PS3.

Even if that were the case, I'd wait for 2009 to pick up a PS3 when the game is actually out. Why fork over $600 in 2006 for game that won't release for three years? Especially when the majority of the other JRPGs are released on a competing platform. I'd actually wait for FFXIII's release and pick up a PS3 for half the cost I would have paid in 2006 and the $300 I saved on my PS3 purchase would have paid for Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, and Infinite Undiscovery.

Oh no doubt if I was just going to play FF13 that waiting to get a PS3 would be the way to go. I got a launch PS3 and just decided not to sell it because of the exclusives I knew I'd end up needing a PS3 for. I sold another...

I'm also a huge fan of MGS4 and I knew it wouldn't be as long to play that game. Oblivion was also fun, because I enjoy all RPG types, so I haven't been totally without RPGs. If I had more time I'd also play Persona 3...and I still need to go back and play Kingdom Hearts 2. Ugh.