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DivinePaladin said:
vivster said:

I guess that's why all that business around PC and Steam totally failed. Valve must feel so stupid right now. Same goes of course for that other failed project called "mobile gaming". I hope mobile and PC developers have enough 100 dollar bills to ease all the harm that was done to them.


But let's just pretend consoles are the only thing that exists or matters in the gaming industry.

How original. If you're going to condescend do it decently at least. Look at all those casual console gamers that TOTALLY dove into steambox, right? PC Gamers are a different crowd of gamer, the hefty majority of the market wants a plug and play experience, not something where they have to worry about having the right specs or a specific subconsole. 

Steambox was a failed project from the start because it never had any target audience.

What I am saying however is that you do not hear PC or mobile developers complain about having to develop for more than one single set of hardware. I mean those poor souls must be furious to do the impossible task of developing for an everchanging platform. And after all that hassle they don't even make any money because of the split audience on so many different devices.

Yeah no. All that complaining about different specs and having to develop for different hardware specs just makes them seem ridiculous. Just imagine if they already had to develop for 2 completely different platforms with completely different environments and platform owners. Oh wait, they already do...

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